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Home About Us Blog Ask the Expert - Looking for Summer Camp Funding? CCBDD Can Help

Ask the Expert - Looking for Summer Camp Funding? CCBDD Can Help

Posted on 01/29/19 in Social and Recreation by Lori Mago

Ask the Expert - Looking for Summer Camp Funding? CCBDD Can Help
Ask the Expert - Looking for Summer Camp Funding? CCBDD Can Help

The Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CCBDD) believes that everyone can benefit from a vacation away from home, opportunities to meet new people and to learn new skills, especially during the summer. While CCBDD is not a direct provider of summer programs, they do support eligible individuals and their families by helping to pay for the cost of attending a summer camp program of their choosing, whether it's a program designed for individuals of certain abilities or a summer camp available through their local YMCA, church or community rec center. In 2018, CCBDD committed over $250,000 to assist with the cost of summer camp opportunities, and they look forward to assisting even more people in 2019!

CCBDD funding options are provided according to the following:
-CCBDD's Cuyahoga Campership Program provides funding up to $700 and is available to individuals who do not have a Support Administrator or who are not enrolled in the Family Supports Program. There is no income requirement. Visit here to learn more about the Cuyahoga Campership Program or call the Camp Line at 216.736.8387.
-Individuals who have a CCBDD Support Administrator should contact him/her for available funding options.
-Individuals already enrolled in CCBDD's Family Supports Program should contact NEON at 1.800.237.6828 to explore camp options.

New to CCBDD? Please contact 216.736.2673 for guidance with the eligibility process.

Summer programming and recreational experiences can be important for individuals of all abilities as they provide opportunities for social interaction with same-age peers and exposure to a variety of experiences and activities that often do not exist during a traditional school year. For families of children with developmental disabilities, choosing the right summer program to meet the needs of your child and family is important. To help families navigate this, the CCBDD invites you to meet with CCBDD representatives and the many community agencies that provide summer recreation and camp experiences at the 21st Annual Summer and Beyond Fair on Saturday, February 16.

The Summer and Beyond Fair is free to the public and is held from 10am-1pm at the Woodside Event Center at St. Michael's, located at 4025 Mill Rd., Broadview Heights, OH 44147. It is sponsored by the State Support Team Region 3 and the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio. You can pick up a free copy of the 2019 Summer and Beyond Directory at the fair.

This directory will provide information about the many providers and supports in the county which are able to meet the summer needs of families of children with disabilities as well as opportunities available throughout the year.

About CCBDD: Created by the Ohio General Assembly in 1967, the CCBDD proudly serves approximately 12,000 people with disabilities of all ages each year and employs more than 900 professional staff. Early on, services centered on children and school-age programs. Since then, their focus has broadened far beyond that and aligns strongly with their mission of supporting and empowering people with disabilities to live, learn, work and play in the community. CCBDD follows a philosophy of self-determination and assists those they support using an individualized, person-centered approach.

CCBDD services cover a broad range from early intervention with families of infants and toddlers to transition services for school-age students and leisure-oriented programs for seniors. They also include support administration (case management), a variety of therapies (physical and occupational, speech and language), behavior and curriculum support, family resources, respite care, adult day supports including employment, and advocacy and self-determination.

In need of more information on summer programs near you? Call the Milestones free autism Helpdesk at 216.464.7600 ext. 200.

Lori Mago is the General Manager of Assistive Technology and Children's Services for the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CCBDD). Lori joined CCBDD in 2012 in the role of Early Intervention Compliance Manager where she spearheaded the transition to an evidence-based model of services. In her current role as general manager, she provides comprehensive program planning and strategic direction to the early intervention, school age, adult therapy and assistive technology programs, serving individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities. She is currently the co-chair of the Ohio Early Intervention Advisory Council, is a trained master coach in early intervention and serves on many state and local committees. Prior to her time at CCBDD, Lori has worked in a variety of roles serving children of all ages and abilities. She holds a bachelor's in psychology and a master's in public administration from Cleveland State University.

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