ConneXtion is Coming! June 10-11, 2025
Milestones Autism Resources
4853 Galaxy Parkway, Suite A
Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
Phone: (216) 464-7600
It is never too late to begin the toilet training process. Most children are continent by ages five to six years old. Some autistic children or other developmental challenges may be older before they begin toilet training. You may have tried toilet training at an earlier age without success for many different reasons. Whatever your child’s age, start at the beginning of this tool kit to determine readiness and then, based on your child’s level of understanding and skills, develop a toilet training plan.
If a child is functioning cognitively at less than two years of age, he may not be a good candidate for the typical toilet training process that requires awareness of the need to eliminate. Or, if a child is older and has not responded positively to establishing a toileting routine, he may benefit from habit training. Habit training involves regularly accessing the toilet on a set schedule based on your child’s elimination patterns. The goal is for using the toilet to become a learned behavior. For more information on Habit Training, see Part 5: Habit Training.
Toilet training the autistic older child, adolescent, or adult may be frustrating but achievable. As children get older, the social implications, isolation, physical demands, and hygiene issues become even more of a concern. As with young children, an assessment is important to identify patterns and to help set realistic goals for the individual with regard to teaching toward independence or to being able to follow a set toileting routine (i.e., habit training).
Strategies for older children include:
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