2023-24 SPED Talk Series: Transition Planning and College Supports
May 8, 2024 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Adults only
Sponsor: Hickman Lowder Lidrbauch & Welch
Contact: Stephanie Hamilton, 216.861.0360, or email sayers-hamilton@hickman-lowder.com
Cost: Free
This event is virtual.
Announcing the 2023-24 SPED Talk Series - Resources and conversation about special education
Join hosts Hickman Lowder special education attorney Janet F. Griffith and advocate Mary Jo O'Neill for a monthly webinar series that explores resources, sparks conversation, and empowers you with the tools and knowledge needed to advocate for your child at school.
This webinar's description:
Transition and future planning are important aspects of a student’s IEP as they work toward adulthood. A student's IEP team must begin transition planning by age 14. When the student turns 16, the focus shifts from coursework to transition services including services provided by other agencies such as Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and the Department of Developmental Disabilities. College bound students may need help securing accommodations at the college level.
Join us and staff from Disability Rights Ohio as we guide you through the process of preparing an effective transition plan that gives your student a strong foundation for post-secondary life.